The following scientific publications are discussing aspects of Met.3D or are using Met.3D to demonstrate new visualization techniques.
Note that the list is likely out of date - please refer to our online documentation for an up-to-date list of publications.
Of course, if you have used Met.3D for a publication please let us know so we can add your paper to the list!

Interactive 3D Visual Analysis of Atmospheric Fronts
Kern, M., Hewson, T., Schäfler, A., Westermann, R., and Rautenhaus, M., IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (IEEE VIS 2018), doi:10.1109/TVCG.2018.2864806, 2018

Visual Analysis of the Temporal Evolution of Ensemble Forecast Sensitivities
Kumpf, A., Rautenhaus, M., Riemer, M., and Westermann, R., IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (IEEE VIS 2018), doi:10.1109/TVCG.2018.2864901, 2018

Robust Detection and Visualization of Jet-stream Core Lines in Atmospheric Flow
Kern, M., Hewson, T., Sadlo, F., Westermann, R., and Rautenhaus, M., IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (IEEE VIS 2017), doi:10.1109/TVCG.2017.2743989, 2017

Visualizing Confidence in Cluster-based Ensemble Weather Forecast Analyses
Kumpf, A., Tost, B., Baumgart, M., Riemer, M., Westermann, R., and Rautenhaus, M., IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (IEEE VIS 2017), doi:10.1109/TVCG.2017.2745178, 2017

Time-hierarchical Clustering and Visualization of Weather Forecast Ensembles
Ferstl, F., Kanzler, M., Rautenhaus, M., and Westermann, R., IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 23(1), 831-840, doi:10.1109/tvcg.2016.2598868, 2017

Three-dimensional visualization of ensemble weather forecasts – Part 1: The visualization tool Met.3D (version 1.0)
Rautenhaus, M., Kern, M., Schäfler, A., and Westermann, R., Geosci. Model Dev., 8, 2329-2353, doi:10.5194/gmd-8-2329-2015, 2015.

Three-dimensional visualization of ensemble weather forecasts – Part 2: Forecasting warm conveyor belt situations for aircraft-based field campaigns
Rautenhaus, M., Grams, C.G., Schäfler, A., and Westermann, R., Geosci. Model Dev., 8, 2355-2377, doi:10.5194/gmd-8-2355-2015, 2015.
An incomplete list of publicly available presentations on Met.3D:
- Met.3D: Interactive 3D visualization for rapid exploration of atmospheric ensemble simulation data (Recording), Using ECMWF’s Forecasts (UEF2022), 7-10 June 2022, Reading, UK.
- Is it time for interactivity and 3D? New approaches to analysing NWP data for observational campaigns using 3D and ensemble visualization, Workshop on observational campaigns for better weather forecasts, 10-13 June 2019, ECMWF, Reading, UK.
- Using Met3D at ECMWF, 29th European Working Group on Operational Meteorological Workstations (EGOWS), 15-17 October 2018, ECMWF, Reading, UK
- Ensemble and 3D visualization with Met.3D – recent research and software updates, 16th Workshop on Meteorological Operational Systems (MOS), 1-3 March 2017, ECWMF, Reading, UK.
- Interactive 3D visualization of ECMWF ensemble weather predictions, Visualisation in Meteorology week 2015, 28 September - 2 October 2015, ECMWF, Reading, UK.