Version 1.13 released

by Marc Rautenhaus (comments: 0)

We are proud to announce the release of version 1.13. The version features a completely revised trajectory analysis module, improved support for open data by DWD and ECMWF, new shadows computation, and many bugfixes and small improvements.

See the gitlab repository for details.

We present this Met.3D version at this year‘s Annual Meeting of the European Meteorological Society in Barcelona, Spain:

Rautenhaus, M., Fischer, C., Vogt, T., Beckert, A., and Fuchs, S.: Towards Met.3D version 2: Rapid exploration of numerical weather prediction data by means of interactive 3-D visualization, EMS Annual Meeting 2024, Barcelona, Spain, 1–6 Sep 2024, EMS2024-946,, 2024.

Fischer, C., Vogt, T., Beckert, A., Fuchs, S., Radke, T., and Rautenhaus, M.: Novel 3-D and AI-based weather forecast products based on open data, EMS Annual Meeting 2024, Barcelona, Spain, 1–6 Sep 2024, EMS2024-949,, 2024

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Version 1.13 released

By Marc Rautenhaus, (comments: 0)

We are proud to announce the release of version 1.13. The version features a completely revised trajectory analysis module, improved support for open data by DWD and ECMWF, new shadows computation, and many bugfixes and small improvements.

Version 1.12 released

By Marc Rautenhaus, (comments: 0)

Version 1.12 is available, finally adding the Kern et al. (2018) jetcore detection actor to the main Met.3D version, adding a new weather radar actor that visualizes radar data from the German Weather Service, and a multitude of further improvements.

Version 1.11 released

By Marc Rautenhaus, (comments: 0)

Version 1.11 is available, adding streambarbs visualization on horizontal section, improvements to the GRIB reader, an actor to display geometry data, and a multitude of further improvements.

Met.3D on TV

By Marc Rautenhaus, (comments: 0)

I had the honour yesterday to present Met.3D to the public in the "alle wetter!" show on "Hessischer Rundfunk".

The interview is available here (around 7:10 min; the video is available until 24 October 2025).

Thank you so much to the "alle wetter!" team!