Release Candidate for Version 1.2!

by Marc Rautenhaus (comments: 0)

We are happy to announce a release candidate "1.2.0-RC1" for a new Met.3D version 1.2! New features include:

  • Session manager added: Met.3D now features a comprehensive session manager that can save the complete status of the application. Sessions can be restored and the user can switch between multiple sessions at runtime (press F6!)
  • Revised bounding box handling: Bounding boxes are now centralized (not per-actor anymore), so that the bounding box of multiple actors can be changed simultaneously (press F3!)
  • Basic support for COSMO datasets! COSMO data on rotated grids and currently on pressure levels can be read from NetCDF files output by COSMO. Basemap and graticule can be rotated accordingly
  • Initial support for a Metview-Met.3D connection (Metview is ECMWF's visualization workstation): Met.3D can be opened directly from Metview
  • Interaction handles of 2D sections, poles etc. now display the current lon/lat/p position beside the mouse cursor
  • Interaction mode can now be easily switched by double-clicking the scene
  • Image export has been extended to automatically save all time steps of an animation
  • Surface pressure fields for hybrid sigma-pressure levels in GRIB files can now also be stored as lnsp
  • An option to display an arrow pointing north in a view
  • Improved customization of contour lines (arbitrary "contour sets" with custom colours and line widths)
  • When an actor is loaded from file and a required transfer function is missing, the user is prompted to select the matching transfer function
  • Many bugfixes and small usability improvements...

Download the sources from gitlab!

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Version 1.12 released

By Marc Rautenhaus, (comments: 0)

Version 1.12 is available, finally adding the Kern et al. (2018) jetcore detection actor to the main Met.3D version, adding a new weather radar actor that visualizes radar data from the German Weather Service, and a multitude of further improvements.

Version 1.11 released

By Marc Rautenhaus, (comments: 0)

Version 1.11 is available, adding streambarbs visualization on horizontal section, imporvements to the GRIB reader, an actor to display geometry data, and a multitude of further improvements.

Met.3D on TV

By Marc Rautenhaus, (comments: 0)

I had the honour yesterday to present Met.3D to the public in the "alle wetter!" show on "Hessischer Rundfunk".

The interview is available here (around 7:10 min; the video is available until 24 October 2025).

Thank you so much to the "alle wetter!" team!