Version 1.5 released
A new version 1.5 is available, adding support for interactive Skew-T diagrams. Also, a binary archive is now available for download.
by Marc Rautenhaus (comments: 0)
A new method for 3-D multiparameter trajectory visualization is based on Met.3D - see the publication in Geoscientific Model Development:
A new version 1.5 is available, adding support for interactive Skew-T diagrams. Also, a binary archive is now available for download.
A new presentation about Met.3D has been given by Marc at the recent ECMWF workshop on observational campaigns for better weather forecasts.
Our survey article on "Visualization in Meteorology" is featured in the December 2018 issue of the IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, also discussing Met.3D and related 3D software.
A presentation about the use of Met.3D at ECMWF given by Tim Hewson is available online.
We will present our recent visualization research using Met.3D (3D frontal structures and interactive ensemble sensitivity) at IEEE VIS 2018 in Berlin. Meet us there!